2019 (한글)

2019년 11월 29일 금요일 – (daily life)

Today, I spent most of time at home. There’s no one to meet. I was little nervous about not exercising this week. I should have done it but didn’t. Maybe I’m already getting fat. Building good habit is really hard but being lazy is a piece of cake. Sincerely, I was going to go to gym but I putted it off. I should reflect on such a laziness.

I decided to come to meet my wife at her company. I took half hour from home to there on foot. The temperature was extremely freezing. I was only wearing t-shirt inside coat and shivered. While I waited her went out, I read ‘charlotte’s web’ which is well-known English novel for kids. It was surprising that even it is not easy to read book for kids. It might be not because of complex structure but many words I don’t know.

English skill is like tech debt. There’s no doubt that my future would be dramatically different depending on English skill. Many options would be opened or closed due to English. Being surrounded by English is the best way to improve it.

We had a dinner and visited my parents. Mother really worried about my brothers KSAT score. I insisted that it is no use to support him when he failed to be in 50 percentile until Feb. 50 percentile is minimum requirement to enter the college which is specialized and provides 2~3 years curriculum. If he failed to improve his grade, NCO is the last choice he can do.

2019. 11. 29. diary (Eng) daily life


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