2020 (Eng)

2020년 1월 14일 화요일 – (Daily life)

Getting up early is really hard. In the last year, I could wake up early since I really loved eat delivery food. But now I decided to not eat delivery food weekdays. Luckily my wife calls me at 8am and I don’t sleep so much time. But It is still problematic.

Ski trip is on Friday! I’m afraid of getting fat during the trip. To not be fat, I should burn carbs by skiing. Since I have never tried ski yet I’m planning to take a lesson for beginners.

After having lunch, Time filed so fast. Am I concentrating well or just wasting time? I couldn’t go forward as fast as I wanted. Anyway, I went to gym and did exercise for 1.5hrs. I made a habit of having shake (banana, apple, kale, protein) and 2 eggs. It makes me little hungry but I should be familiar with it.

Norway. Known as the best country in the world. I suddenly wanted to live there for 2 weeks. Oslo, the capital of Norway. When I searched it on google street view, It seems to be well developed city. What about living in the city bringing our children? Living in oslo for 2 weeks is added to TODO list.

2020. 1`. 14. diary (Eng) Daily Life

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