Getting up early is really hard. In the last year, I could wake up early since I really loved eat delivery food. But now I decided to not eat delivery food weekdays. Luckily my wife calls me at 8am and I don’t sleep so much time. But It is still problematic.
Ski trip is on Friday! I’m afraid of getting fat during the trip. To not be fat, I should burn carbs by skiing. Since I have never tried ski yet I’m planning to take a lesson for beginners.
After having lunch, Time filed so fast. Am I concentrating well or just wasting time? I couldn’t go forward as fast as I wanted. Anyway, I went to gym and did exercise for 1.5hrs. I made a habit of having shake (banana, apple, kale, protein) and 2 eggs. It makes me little hungry but I should be familiar with it.
Norway. Known as the best country in the world. I suddenly wanted to live there for 2 weeks. Oslo, the capital of Norway. When I searched it on google street view, It seems to be well developed city. What about living in the city bringing our children? Living in oslo for 2 weeks is added to TODO list.
2020. 1`. 14. diary (Eng) Daily Life
출장 오랜만에 출장을 간다. 미국으로 가는 출장은 항상 힘들다. 비행시간은 10시간에서 12시간. 도착해서 시차 극복도…
건강검진 재작년 말인가 작년 1월이었나, 인생 최악의 건강검진 결과를 받고서 다짐했었다. 2025년 건강검진에서는 완벽한 검사결과를…
운동 계획 운동과 식단과 피부관리 동시에 하니 시너지가 엄청나다. 변화가 눈에 보일 정도로 빠르다보니, 성취감도…
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