The wine subscription package disappeared in transit, and FedEx didn’t give me any information about this. It sometimes happens, and I should file a complaint to get reimbursed. Since I couldn’t trust FedEx’s service reliability anymore, I decided to cancel the subscription from ‘’.
Also, there was a problem with my car remote key. It seemed to be already broken when I purchased my vehicle. I assume that it might be the battery problem, but It didn’t work even with the new battery. I called Carmax service center several times, but they never responded.
Interestingly, the companies provide a quick & comprehensive user interface for the purchase, but after-service and refund processes are old-fashioned. There’s no chat-bot and web service. Users must call the service center and get confirmation from the live agent.
Carmax was the worst. I had to drive for 20 mins to the office because it was the only way to contact them. I spent an hour for 10 mins service. They might think that it is Nudge, but it is really terrible thing to users. Someone who can’t spend time visiting the office or waiting in the long line will likely give up their benefits. It is unfair.
The fact I’ve learned today is that I’m the only one who can claim my right. I should do it for my family.
I have stayed at home during the holiday season. During that time, I enrolled in ‘BlockChain Developer Nanodegree’, which Udacity provides. The lecture quality was not that good. I couldn’t get a deep understanding of the structure & mechanism of BlockChain. It was even outdated. It was merely helpful in learning the concept.
NFT seems promising for future investment. But now, it is hard to estimate the value of NFT. The value might be apparent in the music industry. The total income from the song shows how valuable it is. Some companies are already operating funds that invest in copyright shares of songs. I think that investment will be more difficult in the future since there’s a lot to invest in.
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