
2022년 12월 25일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 63주차

Coffee Chat

I had several coffee chat sessions with Disquiet users this week. They didn’t hesitate to contact me first. As a shy person who did not know who I should talk to, I was happy to have those requests.

Some people were already operating their companies, and others were looking for an idea in a specific market. They were interested in my background and history, but it was all I could tell them. Since I wasn’t working on my business, I asked rather than giving some insights. It was helpful to me since I could know someone working on the startup scene. But I wasn’t sure they felt the same.

Here are a few things I learned from them:

We should focus on the high-level problem rather than a specific idea or solution.

1. Everyone wants to know how to grow their insight.
2. Information is always from people.
3. The published information is too old to be valuable.

And I realized how I’m not interested in others. It’s like becoming an old man with a bunch of stereotypes. Listening to others requires energy, and it’s hard without training. I should do this.

GPT Chat

The newest version of GPT chat is mind-blowing. Now, I agree that the singularity has arrived. We will likely experience a drastic revolution in our life in the next decade.

This change will remove the burden of making human creativity real. We have a powerful and easy-to-use tool. The only matter is to figure out what we can do with this tool.

Big tech companies will try to minimize the effort to develop AI services. So, anyone can quickly implement their idea and release the service to the market.

But it doesn’t mean that everything is open to everyone. The dataset will belong to big tech companies forever. Therefore, others can’t be able to build a similar model by themselves, and their data will be their competitiveness.

Christmas Tree Park

Today, we visited the Christmas tree park in San Carlos. It’s a famous village where almost every resident decorates their house for Christmas. We expected a huge crowd, like some festivals in Korea, but it wasn’t. We could find a parking spot near the village.

I’m not good at describing something, but we can never see this beautiful Christmas village in Korea. At one of the houses, I could look inside the house and see people having a good time together. It was like a family movie scene.


I’m still considering whether to visit CES or not. I’ll calculate the budget, read the program list, and decide next Monday.


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