
2022년 5월 8일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 30주차

Perf Change

This week, Google announced that it would change the rating system. Before this change, we had two perf cycles for Q4 ~ Q1 and Q2 ~ Q3. After this change, we only have one perf cycle, and all accomplishments from Jan to Dec are rated at the end of the year.

Due to the sudden announcement, my plan was significantly affected. I planned to wait until Mid perf is released and decide whether to use parental leave or not. Now, my parental leave would affect next perf. My promotion also would be delayed after 2023.

Maybe I should forget about the promotion. Instead, I should build skills and gather information.


Some people say that the market is on sale and it’s an excellent chance to buy stocks. Others say that the recession has just started and we need to keep an eye on the market.

I believe that the market’s future depends on the current issues that we are facing. We never know precisely when broken supply chains will be recovered. We also don’t know when Russia will stop attacking Ukraine. Global warming is considerably damaging agriculture industries. Those issues would increase the cost of all products.

The stock price is not related to the company’s revenue. If the price rises after the earning call, people assume that the company is promising. If people think that the company won’t do well in the future, the stock price will just decrease even though it made a new record.

Credit card

Six months have passed since I have been here. I’ve got a credit score, and I’m eligible to open a bank account and apply for credit cards. Someone said that the US credit cards provide more benefits than South Korea.

I’ve searched for some credit cards, but I still don’t know if they are enormously better. Rather than premium cards, cheaper and popular cards provide more benefits.

Ironically, the ARP of the US credit cards seems higher than Korean credit cards. Mine is almost 30% for the penalty. I heard that their strategy is to provide 0% of ARP in the first year and make a profit from the next year. 30% of interest is insane.


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