2022 (Eng)

2022년 1월 9일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 13주차

Early Bird

I decided to wake up at 7 am and commute earlier than anyone. I had to go to bed before 11 pm since it takes 30 mins to fall asleep. Since I usually go to the gym at 9 pm. This pattern exactly fits the exercise pattern.

I’m curious if this is truly healthy because I feel tired and sleepy the entire day. Maybe my body hasn’t adapted to the new life pattern as people suffer jetlag. Or it perhaps t the low quality of sleep. When I wake up, I don’t feel good, and the feeling lasts the whole day.

Nevertheless, getting up in the morning is still good. Instead of commuting before 9 am, I left the office before 6 pm. It gives me time to handle personal matters or take private lessons without experiencing a traffic jam. I hope to keep this habit next week too.


Someone in the office got a positive result from the COVID-19 test. He shared the fact to the group chat Friday night. Even though I haven’t encountered him this week, I’m a little scared. So, I’ll work from home next week. The level of risk of COVID-19 in California has been raised to Level 3. Stay safe and be healthy.

Power Ball

Whenever people asked me the goal of transferring to the US, I told them that I’d be a Power Ball winner. After arriving here, I didn’t know where to buy the ticket. But this week, I read the news that the PowerBall prize is $632.6 million. I rushed to Safeway near me to buy a ticket. There was a vending machine. The price per game was $2, and I bought 20 games. They were ended up returning $4 to me. I have terrible luck, especially in the lottery.


A well-known futurist said that humans will discover the secret of aging and diseases in 2045. It is optimistic news since getting eternity life makes us free from time. Supposing we don’t experience threatening events like wars or accidents, we could enjoy the world forever.


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