2022 (Eng)

2022년 2월 27일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 20주차


Nowadays, I have been working hard. On the contrary to my efforts, I haven’t made much progress in my work. There’s no way except to work more aggressively. Communication is key to success. Today, while reading previous perf cycle reports, I found that folks of the last team suggested improving communication skills. I have forgotten their recommendation even though I got the feedback more than a year ago. For now, I should encounter many problems and obstacles.


The worst thing is to sacrifice young for elders’ needs. The best way to keep the peace is to kill those who want war.


People don’t seem to know that life is unstable. Most people think that they can survive until they are older. However, sacrificing the present is not a good deal. Everything will not be the same as now. Prices, population, society, nature, peace, and others will be different. What you save during your life can be turned to dust before enjoying it. Or you might not be a beneficiary of that.

Now, people say that 30 years mortgage is a great deal that you can invest leverage with almost no risk. But I don’t know why it is a good deal and when I can profit from it. If I’m lucky and the investment is successful, what can I enjoy with the money as an elder?


Recently, I submitted two referrals for who I met online. They were finding someone who could support the referrals. For me, It was kind of a part-time job as a headhunter. There’s no advantage of getting referrals except that their resumes are more quickly reviewed. If I recommend good candidates and they are finally hired, I also get some bonus. In the US, people are actively requesting and giving a referral. But, in Korea, it is really really rare. I don’t know the reason why people don’t ask for referrals.


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