2022 (Eng)

2022년 2월 6일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 17주차


Whenever I retrospect on what happened during this week, I regret not writing snippets every day. A snippet is a short log of what happened during the day. It includes what I did or accomplished. Since my daily routines are similar, my brain removes duplicated events during memorization, making me feel that time went fast.

Sometimes, my brain erases out even special events. That’s terrible. I’m not obsessed with taking a picture and writing a diary. But snippets are needed not to lose special moments in my life.

Furthermore, snippets are practically helpful in writing my performance justification. Sometimes, I do a hundred times of trials to find a solution. If I document only accomplishments, the reviewers never know how challenging the project is, and they might devalue my achievement.

Therefore, writing snippets is always practical in daily life and personal career. However, as other good habits are, it is a hassle.


After we traveled to San Francisco, we got tired. We changed our schedule to take our time. During this week, we toured Stanford and Monterey.

Stanford University has a spacious campus that we can’t look around in a day. We watched that many students were riding a bike or skateboard. There was a great lawn which I had never seen in Korea. Some people were playing catch ball, and it was like a scene of movies showing a peaceful weekend in the US.

Monterey is 1.5 hours apart from here. We couldn’t start from Half Moon Bay because we woke up late. So, we couldn’t see a seaside view while going there. Also, 17-Milles was temporarily closed. However, Camel Beach was enough to make us entirely impressed. Dogs were playing on the beach under the beautiful sunset. That was the most peaceful scene I had ever seen.

None of the photos can put the stunning landscape. Now, I can understand why people say that eyes are the best lens in the world.


Even though I have been using Java, I haven’t studied or learned Java officially. After changing the team, which mainly uses Java, I felt that I need to study Java 8 and design patterns.

Modern Java in Action is perfect for beginners who have just learned basic Java programming. Compared to Effective Java, It is easy to understand because authors explain every detail assuming that readers are beginners. After reading this book, users who have ever used outdated code snippets in Stack Overflow will have confidence.

I’m a beginner who has completed only 20% of this book. But I’m sure that its content is close to my daily work, and it provides the best practice.


Sadly, I failed to wake up and go to the gym at 7 am. I think it was only once this week, but I shouldn’t violate the rule again. On the contrary to bad habits, good habits are fragile.

I stopped going to the gym at night because of one woman who doesn’t wear a mask. Even though there were notices that people should wear a mask inside, the woman ignored it and exercised. When I told her that a mask was mandatory inside, she looked at me with an annoyed face. I don’t understand how the person can still be alive without being caught COVID-19.


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