There are many opening positions at Google Korea. As I think, the number of hiring counts is the greatest compared to the recent three years. In the past, there were few openings less than 4. So, it was even hard to pass the resume screening, and applicants had to wait until other applicants’ results were resolved. But now, the success rate of initial screening seems higher than past.
From my perspective, more people are leaving the company or transferring to the US than three years ago. Half of my close colleagues have already moved here this year. Many seniors moved to startups as C-levels.
I assume that the payroll is one of the reasons. Before other companies raised compensation in 2020, our payroll was twice as much as others. It would be 1.5 or less now. Many startups or emerging tech giants offer similar or better benefits.
Seniors can get an opportunity to get a chance in other companies as C-levels. However, there’s no way for juniors except for transferring or joining the early stage of startups.
Most of them would decide to transfer because it is more beneficial. TC $500k is not rare in the US. If they show the performance as much as they did in Korea, they can earn even more. Even though they want to have their startups, it’s much better to start in the US.
So, there’s is a pipeline to provide the US with engineers. Talented people transfer. And, gifted people outside the company apply for the position. And they also transfer after a few years.
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