2022 (Eng)

2022년 6월 12일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 35주차

D-day is coming

On Sunday, my mother-in-law arrived at the airport. She will help with household chores while we care for our baby. I still don’t realize what will happen this week.

Hand over

I almost completed the remaining projects. It means that I haven’t finished them. Recently, the Perf system has changed to GRAD, and I don’t know how my bonding leave will affect next year’s GRAD. Hopefully, I’ll return to the office in November, and I can have two months to make some achievements.


We decided to move to the two-bedroom apartment, but we couldn’t. Since most companies announced RTO in April, many people have returned to BayArea, and there are fewer available rooms. Instead of finding a new apartment, we’ve decided to go to Korea and back here in November.


We don’t know whether we even can get a night of sleep. However, we agreed to give me two hours every day to study. My application for SCPD has been approved, and the lecture starts next week.

Since the course requires some mathematical background, I’m taking a course in Coursera. I think the lecture is nice, and sometimes they provide better explanations than popular online classes in Korea.

I believe that I will love studying If I start caring for my baby because I love cleaning the room only when I prepare for exams.


My team held a surprise celebration event for me—one prepared trivia related to babies. Of course, I couldn’t give any correct answer. I felt that learning English is far more than words and sentences. No matter how fluent you are in English, you never guess the answer and never share the same cultural context with others. I just felt that I also need to learn English culture for my baby. It is not for teaching but for sharing feelings and experiences.


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