2022 (Eng)

2022년 6월 5일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 34주차


After two months of the interview process, my friend finally got SWE role at Google. Thanks to him, I can get a referral bonus. Even though it is just 10% of what head hunters receive as a commission, it’s still a good amount compared to what other companies provide.

It’s ironic that many people hardly find someone to refer. Whenever people ask their friends for a referral, most of them say, ‘I’m not ready yet’. It’s hard to convince them that they are fully qualified and that the interview will be much easier than they expect.

Some of them will finally decide to apply after several months. And they even can’t apply since others already occupy the positions. That pretty often happens. The fun thing is that many competitive candidates make themselves scared and never try.

Development Speed

It’s terrible to spend more time writing documents rather than coding. It’s more terrible if reviewers don’t read the document and leave a bunch of blocking questions. It’s worst if they can’t understand the answer and I need to write a summarization of summarization and explain it again and again.

I don’t know which team is the best, but I know some signals to avoid.

  • If the project depends on other teams, you can improve your communication skill. But the process is slow, and you can control nothing.
  • If there are far more juniors than seniors, you might get a chance to be promoted. But your senior can’t deeply and promptly review your design.
  • If you want a promotion, it’s better to check the members’ tenure and level.
  • Must check internal feedback about the team.
  • How many people recently left the team. How many people who know the history of the team remain.
  • How dominant or impactful they are on the market.
  • Watch the calendar and check how much spare time leads spend for the team.

Yes, I want to give this advice to myself from a year ago. It’s late.


To achieve an extraordinary dream, never compete on the track. There’s no rule in life, and you can drive a car in a running competition.

Staying on the track never guarantees a stable life. It’s the life that depends on the track. If the track is destroyed, your whole life will be highly endangered.


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