2022 (Eng)

2022년 7월 31일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 42주차


Changing a flight schedule in Asiana Airlines is annoying. The agent said that only the branch in the US could change the schedule because my flight departs from the US. How could they book my flight then?

Instead of rescheduling, I’ve just canceled the round-trip ticket. Cancellation costed $500 per ticket, but we didn’t need business seats with a bassinet anymore. It’d be better to endure the 14-hours economy seat flight and save money.


We have a simplified daily routine after our baby is born. During the bonding leave, I take care of him in the morning. We both care for him and do some household jobs in the afternoon. After dinner, we walk around the apartment, having him in the stroller for an hour. After washing and feeding him, we take turns showering, and I start working on my personal project.

Every day is identical to us. We only check the day to watch TV shows. August is close. November also would be very soon.


From my experience, the people I have met have influenced my life much more than the things I have achieved. At every important turning point in my life, I’ve got valuable information or support from my acquaintances.

Without them, I could have never realized my potential. I could never have taken enough time to study. I could never have heard about the job opening.

It’s unnecessary to waste my energy on people who negatively affect me. The best way is to block and forget them for the rest of my life.

For the rest of the people, I never know who will help me until they help me. So, I meet just many people. Before starting networking, I think it’s better to make sure who I am. The more they precisely know about me, the more they are likely to offer me helpful information and opportunity.


Since I’ve only used AWS for the personal project, I decided to use Firebase and GCP for the new project. It was surprising that Firebase is quite easier to use compared to AWS.

Understanding the Auth, Database, and Cloud Function took some time. However, it’s more straightforward to use compared to AWS. There was a lot to configure when I depended on AWS lambda and dynamo DB. It was painful to struggle with the error log to find which configuration I missed.

In Firebase, permission is easy to configure and more straightforward. As I think, It is because Firebase provides fewer products than AWS. GCP is still complex to use.

Of course, documentation of Firebase is sometimes deprecated or error-prone. Using Firebase-UI is one of them. When I tried to use Facebook login, the documentation of the Facebook developer website was not the same as the Firebase-UI developer guide.

And I tried another way that imports each SDK for Google and Facebook Auth SDK and links to Firebase. However, for an unknown reason, they conflicted and made the app unable to find layout elements. Therefore, I just decided not to use Facebook for a while.

And some documentation doesn’t describe a way to access the database. Cloud Function can’t change Firestore unless a new event happens, even though it can access documents or collections directly.

Except for the problems, everything works fine. It was a nice experience to write an API in a local environment and deploy it.


Despite the global economic depression, many people still dream of launching startups in BayArea. As I think the safest way to operate a business is to start a side project first.

Whenever I meet some people, I’m impressed by their passion. They are eager to network and enjoy sharing their experience. I’m not sure how helpful to know each other, but belonging to a group with the same goal in life would help us not to lose motivation.

Of course, I heard that some people spent almost 20 years achieving nothing. But I think talented people often overcome their fear and pursue their goals.

Mega Millions

Now, the first prize of Mega Millions is $1.02 Billion! After-tax income would be almost $700 Million. I’ve also bought $100 tickets. When I visited the store to buy it, the prize dashboard displayed ‘999’ since it can only show up to 3 digits. I’ve won a $2 for $100 bet.


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