2023년 2월 19일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 71주차

Nothing special

Nothing special. My weekday routine is simple. Wake up in the morning and commute. Start working after having breakfast. Lunchtime comes quickly. Sometimes I have lunch alone to relax. I usually leave the office around 4:30 PM. After returning home, I spend time with my family until 8:00 PM. Before sleep, I only have 2 to 3 hours for my side project or game.

Weekend moves so fast. It’s blooming season, and we go on a picnic every weekend. There’re beautiful spots that we shouldn’t miss this season. However, several hours of driving is tiring, and we need to rest after returning home, which makes the weekend shorter.

I have been repeating this routine now.

No vacation

My vacation plan was rejected. More precisely, If I go on a vacation, someone will take my project since it’s time-sensitive. I understand the circumstance. The project has a fixed delivery date.

I shorten my vacation plan from 2 months to 2 weeks. I just hope that I can spend time in South Korea this winter.


I’ve just started writing a blog on Brunch. It was one of the plans this year. Getting noticed is the goal.