Every year, US taxpayers should file a tax report until mid of April. Unlike South Korea, companies don’t file annual tax reports on behalf of employees. So, people usually use tools like TurboTax or hire tax accountants.
Last year, Google provided us with Deloitte’s tax report service as a relocation package. So, this is the first time for us to file a tax report ourselves. I was planning to use TurboTax since it is the cheapest option. But I procrastinated for several weeks and finally reached April. And I rushed to the online community (Naver cafe) and found a company to source the task.
Even though we hired a tax accountant, we had to provide all required documents like bank accounts, insurance, stock, W2, and other income. People should report all foreign assets (bank account, insurance, stock, properties). The fine can be half of the total asset if they don’t. And they can lose their green card or citizenship.
State income tax varies depending on the state, and California’s tax rate is the highest among states. I don’t know how the state government spends taxes. Even though the high tax rates, the local government is reducing the budget for Police and Correctional facilities for offenders. It would be better to move to a state with no state taxes.
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