
Dec 11, 2018 (Sixth Diary)

The wedding is two weeks away. While i haven’t written weekly diary, I forgot many important moments. My recent story isn’t fierce as before and I could be free from stress for a while. Now, I’m trying to remember some event occurred to me. A story came out. I went to Hae-hwa for watching musical ‘Line 1’. It was 12 years ago when i was really impressed by my life’s first musical. After entering university, I revisited the theater but it already stopped running with the history of 4k play count. I found 3 month special play of musical while i search some musicals. Weekend schedules were already sold out and i couldn’t bring my wife to there. Instead, I watched it on Wednesday. Every scene, song and lyrics were same as 12years before and it made me almost cry. I might feel like being old in front of actors who aren’t older than me anymore. I don’t know how i should wait long to see it again but i might feel another impression with experience for the long waiting time. ‘Hak-Jun’ is also famous with another musical ‘빨래’ which is about love story between poor Korean woman and Mongolians man. The story is little dark at first but the atmosphere get brighter as it goes to end.

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