From this week, I started to assign detailed goal to each days. To do that, I need to see list of jobs at a glance and make them structured in a sequence way. I have written record of day by listing TODO of yesterday and today or updating it.
There was no extra time to study english. I listen TED repeatedly and read recommended book during spare time. There was little progress in reading and writing. But wasn’t in listening and speaking, because i rarely did in my work.
I spent today doing almost nothing. Except checking result which i did yesterday and preparing english assignment, I slept or played on my bed. For special event, I had to pay back expired loan and it made my financial state worse. I don’t want to get a loan anymore. I canceled Reserve Force Training and traveling. It was good choice because it made me relief and increased efficient of work. I didn’t have lunch before working out for three days per week and have it with other people twice a week. I tried to eat lunch with teammate more frequently. Maybe, I haven’t ate lunch with them for weeks. Having lunch with teammates made me feel work together and reduced time for sync up.
Cap for english and personal training was exceeded. I chose to reduce the number of classes per week and shifted day from weekdays to weekends. Because tuition for personal training is already payed, It would be reduced from next year. If i let it be over budget, I would sustain current life. But It would make worse flexibility in finance and time. Rent fee is so high and problematic but room sharing doesn’t guarantee private place and my room is the best place especially for commuting. I think it is cost for efficient. I have to pay reimbursement to police 19 times more and i should be bear hardships for 1 year and half of it. In this aspect, my real wages wasn’t increased at all. I should make up things from reduced lessons. Interacting foreign workers or watching drama or news or working out more.
I considered joining external study group for anything when i felt alone on weekend. But it is useless. That choice must be harmful to me unless i am so laid back for long time. Studying alone is faster than together and My tech stats is so low to want to be generalist. It would be better meet friends to handle wedding invitation in spare time. or sleep more.
Tomorrow’s goal is to spend time at workplace and coming back to home after working out. It is better place checking work sometimes, reading books and learning english even if there’s no work todo. My room isn’t equipped with desk.
New goal for next week is to avoid negative articles. Online is fulled with negativeness which are not related to me at all and I don’t want to let them manipulate my emotion. I want to find a website only serving contents which make me feel relief or warm. It would be better, If it is written in English. Spending more time in workplace is a goal either. I hope to feel comfort in there because i don’t have other place to go except home and it is equipped with many amenities.
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