
Oct 19th, 2018 : First Diary

On everyday, I notice a new reason why i’m inferior to others. It maybe because i haven’t coded program that much and majored computer science. I could understand the reason but couldn’t stuck in this situation for a long time.

Despite of efforts, ordinary people could fail to catch up others. It would be useless discussing about how much time they spent for work. Only the performance proves everything. Others are just lame excuses.

Time is the most valuable resource which i can use. Someone said that amount of time is equally given to everyone. It is totally false. Who could say that 1hour distances by bus, train and airplane are same? Even though i spent whole day, week and month, I might couldn’t beat person who spent only 1 hour per day.

I should practice to concentrate more intensely. And I should invent more efficient way to develop myself.

Especially, I doubt that i’m really growing up in private lessons. I’m using time for 9 hours per week in the gym. And 2 of 3 are for PT class. I take a rest often to avoid pain gained after class. So, growing speed isn’t that fast. Also for english class, If i really want to grow up, I should use English not only during class but daily life. Why do i still read articles on Korean web-sites. If i want to be familiar with english not spending extra hours, not working times should be filled with english. If i separate english from daily life, It is clear that it would take extra time to be familiar with English.

Moreover, I haven’t written weekly notes since a month ago. So, I can’t track of my performance history and give feedback to myself. I should prepare detailed record and stack it everyday. So, I might become able to provide this history anyone who gives advice to me. It is like describing their health state to doctor for diagnosis.

Also, I should be a advisor by myself. At least, There’s a session which goes through records and self-discussing about it. I’m going to start it right now. It doesn’t have to be perfect at first. It would evolve in real time.

In short, I have three weak points now. First, can’t spend time wisely and efficiently. Second, can’t concentrate on everything deeply. Third, doesn’t make record for examination. I’ll discuss it again next week. I hope to see some positive developments there.


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