2022 (Eng)

2022년 3월 6일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 21주차

Return To Office

As the country recovered from COVID-19, Santa Clara county allowed people to wear off the mask. Except for some public places like the metro, people can freely choose to wear masks.

The big IT companies have announced the RTO plan. At Google, RTO will start in April, and they will experimentally introduce hybrid workdays.

During the pandemic, companies noticed that employees didn’t lose their performance compared to when they commuted. Also, employees could flexibly schedule their working hours depending on their family affairs. Moreover, companies could save their budget for office maintenance and food.

Therefore, many companies have opened full-remote positions for employees who don’t want to commute. No matter where they are (actually matter for tax purposes), companies are okay with that if they can do well in their job.

However, most people still want to back to the office. And that is not that good for tenants in Bay Area. During the pandemic, some people left Bay Area, and worked in other cities. If they come back, increased demands will inevitably increase the rent fee. Some apartments have raised their rent by 25%. Literally, it is really terrible.


I worked really hard this week. I went to work earlier than anyone in the office and worked until the last. Nevertheless, time went fast, and I couldn’t catch up. After I arrived home, I had dinner, walked around the apartment with my wife, took a shower, and it was already 9 pm. I feel tired, but it also feels good since I did my best.


One idiot destroyed the peaceful life of countless people in a week. Both Russia and Ukraine’s youth have been dying for nothing. Ukrainian lost their home, and Russians’ attacks sacrificed many innocent people. Russians are also unrecoverably damaged by economic sanctions. Regardless of their nationality, their hopes and future and lives changed to nothing because of one man.


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