2019년 12월 15일 일요일 – (Daily Life)

Daily Life

One of my friends came to Seoul to take NCS. Since his other friends came together and they planned to go back together, there was much time to play with me. We just had a breakfast in the PC cafe and played LOL 2 times.

After he went back, I searched internet and tried to make reservation for hotel buffet. There are Top 3 hotel buffet in Seoul. But all of them were fully booked in Dec. Other buffets were same. Is the economy in Korea really bad? How could they be fully reserved even not on christmas? I was really sorry to my wife. Maybe we should find plan B for the next week.

I have a lot of diaries to catch up on. I should have written them everyday. It is really hard to remember what I did. I looked up calendar and tried to retrieve them. But they weren’t alive.

Vocal lesson is always funny. I haven’t met person who compliments me like my teacher. But only an hour per week is so lack and I decided to learn two hours per week. I hope to develop vocal skill next year. Musical is always impressive and energetic.

Times flies so fast in Dec. I should wrap up this year soon. Not so bad but something could have been better.

2019. 12. 15. diary (Eng) Daily Life