2021년 12월 5일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 8주차

Daily Life

My life in MTV is now to a stable degree. During weekdays, I wake up around 8’o clock and commute after having breakfast. I usually arrive office at 9:30. People typically go for lunch at noon. Around 5 PM, I leave the office and go back home. Team members seem to work until 6 PM. But for me, it is too dark at 6 PM to drive.

There is a 16hours time difference between Seoul and MTV. In the evening, family and friends in Korea start their daily life. So, I don’t feel that we live in a different country. However, I realize that I’m in the US when I play the game. I can’t access to Korea server. Even though it is possible, high latency makes playing almost impossible.

I thought about working in Korea for a month next year. Now, the Korean government isolates overseas entrants for 10-days. If the COVID-19 situation is cured and the policy is abolished, I can consider the option.

Graduate School

There was good news on Friday. Two friends got admission from medical school and law school. The results were released at the same time, and I was pleased to hear that.

I think that they will get a top grade since they’ve got the highest and second-highest score on our college entrance exam. I should make some progress while they are pursuing their career. I’m the only one who doesn’t have a license.


It is shameful that I didn’t finish ‘effective java’ until now, even though I bought it when I joined the company. When I started this career, I hadn’t used Java before. Someone recommended the book to me, and I just got it. Nonetheless, it was hard to understand why the items were important because I hadn’t programmed Java at that time.

After transferring to the new team, I started to code Java. Someday, I realized that I had forgotten about the book and reopened it. Even though it was still hard, I knew what the items meant and matched them to examples in our codebase. It would be better to start code rather than read a guidebook, as someone said.

Golf & Swim

There’s nothing to do except outdoor activities here. Now, I don’t have any outdoor hobbies and just stay at home during the weekend. It is so nice to take a rest at home, but there’s no reason to live in the US too. Meeting new people outside the company is a little scary. I think that it is a psychological obstacle that I should overcome. The more active I do, the faster to get comfortable.

The only thing I shouldn’t ignore is the COVID-19. I haven’t got a booster shot since no one can take care of me. So, I should avoid the situation that others can infect me. I think Golf is much safer than Swimming.


Many people are talking about metaverse and NTF. I think that the concept of the metaverse is not that creative. It is promising because many people are interested in the market, and VCs pour money into the industry.

If I want to make money from the stock market, I don’t need to consider whether they realize the technology or not. As we have watched how the cryptocurrency market works, metaverse ETF won’t be related to the actual outcome. The market price is the value of the future expectation. The only reason for the price is that many people believe in the amount.

If I want to develop the metaverse apps or platforms, I must carefully assume when the product is widely used. Now, voice recognition is in the market, and many people use the function. But people might not know that IBM released ViaVoice, the voice recognition product, in 1993.

The smartphone is also a combination of high technology. If we don’t have high-speed internet or memory or battery or others, we might not get it until now. So, I think that metaverse has a lot of technical dependencies. It needs ten times faster internet, more durable and light batteries, a high-resolution display, and a smarter GPU.