2022년 3월 27일 일요일 – Mountain View 생활 24주차
Work from home I worked from home this week. Less efficient but much better since I could spend more time
@hyeongyu (mrkimkim)
Work from home I worked from home this week. Less efficient but much better since I could spend more time
The wedding is two weeks away. While i haven’t written weekly diary, I forgot many important moments. My recent story
On Sunday, I migrated personal blog to medium platform. The personal server have been turned down for a week and
This post is just telling my weekly events and thoughts. It could be incorrect because i wrote it to learn
I spent this week for meeting many people. I met mainly people who are not engineer in the company and
From this week, I started to assign detailed goal to each days. To do that, I need to see list
On everyday, I notice a new reason why i’m inferior to others. It maybe because i haven’t coded program that
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